We believe that a successful industry relies on a combination of world-class capability and access to the best knowledge.
Our priorities
The top strategic priorities over the next five years are:
- responding to technological advancements and off-site and off-shoring prefabrication
- building small business capabilities through education and skilling
- providing support for people moving into a construction business
- supporting skills to encourage innovation
- working to increase diversity in the construction workforce.
Our purpose
To provide the Queensland building and construction industry with the information and skills it needs to ensure a strong and sustainable future.
Our vision
A skilled workforce that meets the evolving needs of Queensland’s building and construction industry.
The CSQ Way
We are here for industry
We are one team — we work together and support one another
We do what we say we will do
We enjoy what we do and we do it well
We talk straight
Our principles
- Evidence based
- Future focused
- Accountable
- Transparent and contestable
- Inclusive and consultative
- Effective and efficient
- Innovative

Our goals
We aim to:
- inspire and provide pathways for people to join the building and construction industry.
- provide training solutions and leverage investment in skills to increase the capability of the existing workforce.
- help the sector to develop strategies to keep talented people in the industry.

Our performance
Over the next five years we will measure the value we create for industry by measuring our performance against five key performance indicators:
- skilling outcomes for the industry
- industry and customer satisfaction
- staff satisfaction
- fiscal management
- governance

Our Pillars
- Attracting the right talent
- Promoting the industry
- Inspiring and providing pathways into the industry
- Providing training solutions
- Leveraging investment in skills
- Workforce planning
- Helping keep talented people in the industry
- Industry engagement
- Workforce health and well-being