The qualification has core unit of competency requirements that cover common skills for the construction…
The Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction reflects the role of managers working in Civil Construction…
This unit describes a participant’s skills and knowledge required to apply and monitor site waste…
This unit of competency specifies the skills and knowledge required to access, interpret and apply…
This unit covers current practices in working safely and verifying compliance of electrical installations that…
This unit of competency specifies the skills and knowledge required to apply regulations and industry…
This unit covers the application of risk management processes in resources and infrastructure industries. It…
This unit of competency specifies the skills and knowledge required to apply structural principles to…
This unit covers fundamental WHS requirements necessary to undertake work tasks within any sector in…
This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to apply work health and safety (WHS)/occupational…
This unit provides asbestos general awareness training.
This unit of competency specifies the skills and knowledge required to identify construction faults in…